Party like there is a tomorrow.

Party like there is a tomorrow.

The Heineken bottle is where all of the brand’s green aspirations are met: it’s recyclable, it’s reusable, it’s also green on the inside, since it contains beer made using sustainable practices. We used it as a key element in this 360 campaign, along with witty headlines to communicate the brand’s actions #foragreenerworld

Solar energy

Heineken is brewed with 100% green energy, including solar. This was our chance to give the news some exposure.

Circular packaging

Heineken bottles are made from 90% recycled glass. If you think of the number of bottles they produce every year, that’s a lot of recycled glass.

​​​​​​​Sustainable Barley

Up to 70% of the barley that’s used worldwide to brew Heineken is farmed sustainably. By 2030, the gap will be closed and 100% of the barley will be green.

Wind Energy

Heineken beer is brewed with 100% green energy, including wind. Being a Dutch company, we saw that one coming.

Social #foragreenerworld


And to package everything, we developed an endless immersive experience to inspire people to take action towards a greener world.

Client: Heineken Global / Agency: Publicis Italy / CCO: Cristiana Boccassini, Mihnea Gheorghiu / CD: Dan Arango, Arthur Amorin / CW: Olga Alonso / AD: Alexia Vindret / Design Director: Valentino Borghesi / Account Director: Derek Muller/ Producer: Adrian Lawrence, Miranda Anzarut / Produced by 3D Studio Future Deluxe


Worth the Wait, film


The Edible SD Card, PR